Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NEWBIE: Basic Book on Digital Photography

I spent an hour today at the NYC 14th Street Barnes & Noble to see what the latest BASIC books on photography were worth recommending. There were certain criteria:

1. Short, as opposed to Encyclopedic. Beginners need a few topics to master, then get into the weeds of detail.

2. Emphasized traditional, essential conceptual photographic topics, rather than Megapixels or technology and marketing blather

3. Visually appealing and easy to follow.

4. "Inexpensive." A newbie is not going to spend $600 of the household piggy bank on learning RosettaPhotoGraphy if there is only budding interest in a potential fad.

There were a few that came close and only one hands down winner:

1. It is only 160 pages. Short.

2. Arranged by topics of:
  • All that digital stuff
  • Aperature
  • Shutter Speed
  • Light
  • Composition
  • Photoshop Digital Darkroom
  • Index
As a beginner, Peterson hits the required grounding of the principles of Photography.

3. Visually Appealing. Well laid out. Not a "technical slog" that will end up thrown out next year with the next release of Photoshop.

4. Inexpensive. List is $26 US. I got it for $21 minus my additional B&N discount. Less than that is nothing and would be worth every penny you paid. May be cheaper on Amazon (Link below) depending on shipping.

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